PraxisAuril response to the KEF Technical Advisory Group consultation, Jan 2018

PraxisAuril represents KE professionals who work in universities and research institutions to ensure researchers have the best possible opportunities to take their research into external contexts through diverse KE mechanisms that range from CPD, to consultancy, to commercialisation. As a professional body for the sector we have long championed the value that our members help to bring to the UK economy. Since 2015 we have worked with HEFCE to understand better the characteristics of good and effective practice in KE and support whole heartedly the work of the McMillan Group on which some of our members sit. We welcome the KEF as a next step in this work and will engage fully to represent our members’ views as expert KE practitioners. We hope that we will have opportunities to test consultation outcomes in a working context.  

Tamsin Mann
Publication Date: 
Tuesday, February 6, 2018